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Zusammenfassung Als Beispiel primär in nicht horizontaler Stellung abgelagerter Schichten wird die Tuffeindeckung eines Gebirgsreliefs in Columbien beschrieben.  相似文献   
Résumé En complément d'une étude précédente, les auteurs ont examiné si les coefficients de corrélation pouvaient s'utiliser avec profit pour résoudre les problèmes écologiques et plus spécialement de météorologie forestière. Pour cela ils ont calculé les coefficients résultant de la comparaison de l'accroissement forestier avec 12 grandeurs météorologiques. Afin d'obtenir des coefficients plus élévés ils ont considéré ensuite la courbe d'accroissement sur la base de sa droite de régression au lieu de sa moyenne. Ils ont enfin calculé diverses corrélations partielles en tenant compte d'une seconde grandeur météorologique. Il ressort de l'important matérial ainsi rassemblé, qu'il n'existe pas de corrélation entre les éléments météorologiques et l'accroissement forestier, du moins pas au sens mathématique du terme. Comme cette conclusion est en contradiction avec l'expérience pratique, on en déduit que cette méthode est inutilisable dans le cas particulier. Cette déduction est en outre étayée par des considérations d'ordre physiologique.
Summary The present paper is a complement to an earlier work. It's purpose is to investigate the utility of correlation calculus with regard to ecological problema especially of the forest-meteorological kind. The authors computed, first of all, the direct correlation between treegrowth and each of 12 meteorological quantities. They tried then to improve the results by referring the annual treegrowth to it's regression line instead of the mean. Finally, they examined partial correlation taking into account two meteorological influences at the same time. The results seem to indicate, that there is no statistical evidence for any significant correlation between treegrowth and meteorological data. This is of course contrary to practical experience, whence the authors infer, that correlation calculus is an inadequate tool for handling their problem and similar ecological researches. This conclusion is supported by physiological considerations.

Zusammenfassung In Ergänzung zu einer früheren Arbeit untersuchen die Autoren, ob Korrelationskoeffizienten in oekologischen, speziell forstmeteorologischen Aufgaben sinnvoll angewendet werden können. Zuerst werden die direkten Korrelationen zwischen dem jährlichen Holzzuwachs und je einer von 12 meteorologischen Grössen berechnet; dann wird zur Erzielung höherer Koeffizienten die Kurve des Holzzuwachses auf ihre zeitliche Regressionsgerade statt auf den Mittelwert bezogen, und schiesslich werden verschiedene partielle Korrelationen unter Berücksichtigung von je einer zweiten meteorologischen Grösse angegeben. Aus dem ziemlich unfangreichen Zahlenmaterial scheint hervorzugehen, dass zwischen Holzzuwachs und Witterung kaum ein statistischer Zusammenhang im mathematischen Sinne besteht. Da dieses Ergebnis der praktischen Erfahrung widerspricht, muss geschlossen werden, dass die Korrelationsrechnung der vorliegenden Aufgabe nicht angemessen ist, eine Folgerung, die durch Ueberlegungen physiologischer Natur gestützt und eingehend begründet ist.

Riassunto A complemento di un precedente lavoro, gli autori studiano se abbia un senso l'impiego di coefficienti di correlazione in problemi ecologici e in particolare in quelli meteorologici-forestali. Dapprima vengono calcolate le correlazioni dirette tra la crescita annua del legno e ciascuna di 12 grandezze meteorologiche; in seguito, allo scopo di raggiungere coefficienti più elevati la curva della crescita del legno vien riferita alla sua retta di regressione del tempo invece che al valore medio; in ultimo vengono rese note diverse correlazioni parziali ottenute considerando anche una seconda grandezza meteorologica. Dal materiale assai abbondante utilizzato, sembra potersi dedurre che tra crescita del legno e condizioni meteorologiche non esiste una relazione statistica in senso matematico. Siccome questo risultato è in contrasto con l'esperienza pratica, bisogna dedurre che il calcolo del coefficiente di correlazione non è adatto per il problema in questione. E' questa una conseguenza che può appoggiarsi su ragionamenti di natura fisiologica ed essere minuziosamente motivata.
Zusammenfassung Siehe Abschnitt IV.
Summary Occurrence of predominantly horizontal linear air currents in the ionosphere could be verified by direct and indirect electrical observations. The maximum of frequency of the measured wind velocities lies, within the range of 80 and 120 km altitude, at 60 m/sec and within theF-layer (200 to 350 km altitude) at 100 m/sec. The measured wind velocities do not show a uniform pattern. The standard deviation of the observations reaching several 100 per cent makes it probable that wind direction and speed depend on the hour of day and the season as well as on the geographical latitude and altitude. Considering particularly theF-layer the velocity of propagation of the deviation centers was found to be proportional to the earth-magnetic characteristic number. The extention of these deviation centers, however, does not depend on the intensity of the earth-magnetic disturbance and is nearly constant also in other respects. These more or less linear air currents are combined with a more or less turbulent movement. The direct and indirect observations verify this for the range between 80 and 100 km altitude; knowledge on the respective conditions in theF-layer, however, could not be obtained by them. The root of the average velocity square of all velocity components in the direction of the observations amounts to approximately 2 m/sec. The occurrence of solar and lunar tides in the range of theE-layer with a velocity amplitude of 35 and 25 m/sec respectively can be considered as a indisputable fact, whereas for theF-layer there exist too few investigations as yet.

Résumé La présence de courants d'air essentiellement horizontaux dans l'ionosphère a été prouvée par des observations visuelles directes et électriques indirectes. Le maximum de fréquence des vitesses de vent mesurées se trouve dans la couche comprise entre 80 et 120 km, où elles atteignent 60 m/s, ainsi qu'au niveau de la coucheF (200–350 km) avec 100 m/s. Les directions observées ne fournissent pas d'image simple; la dispersion des mesures conduit à penser que les azimuts et les vitesses dépendent du moment du jour et de la saison, comme de la latitude et de l'altitude. En ce qui concerne la coucheF en particulier, il apparaît que la vitesse de déplacement des centres de dispersion est proportionnelle au nombre caractéristique géomagnétique. La grandeur de ces centres est toutefois indépendante de l'intensité de la perturbation géomagnétique et reste à peu près constante.A ces courants ionosphériques plus ou moins linéaires se superpose un courant d'air plus ou moins turbulent; les observations directes et indirectes vérifient ce fait pour la couche comprise entre 80 et 120 km, mais elles ne peuvent rien dire à ce sujet en ce qui concerne la coucheF. La racine carrée du carré moyen des vitesses de toutes les composantes de vitesse dans la direction d'observation est égale à 2 m/s environ.L'existence de marées solaires et lunaires dans la coucheE avec une amplitude des vitesses de respectivement 35 et 25 m/s peut être considérée comme assurée; les recherches analogues concernant la coucheF sont encore trop peu nombreuses.

Mit 6 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Golf von Manfredonia spielt als Mündungsgebiet der Flüsse Ofanto, Carapelle und Cervaro im meeresgeologischen Geschehen der Südadria eine wichtige Rolle. Die charakteristische, durch den vulkanischen Komplex des Monte Vulture geprägte Mineralgesellschaft der Ofanto-Sedimente läßt sich über den Golf hinaus in der gesamten Südadria nachweisen.Zwischen 1966 und 1969 wurden im Golf und in seinem Küstenbereich 305 Proben genommen, 540 km Echographprofile gefahren, an 80 Tagen Strömungsmessungen durchgeführt und ausgedehnte Tauchbeobachtungen gemacht.In der sog. Scogliera, einer Untiefe im Südteil des Golfes, unterscheidet sich der Meeresboden durch seine Morphologie und Lithofazies deutlich von dem des übrigen Golfes.Anhand von Schwermineral-Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, daß sich innerhalb des Golfes zwei Schwermineral-Gesellschaften unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Paragenese miteinander vermischen.Durch Strömungsmessungen ließen sich innerhalb des Golfes Strömungen in vorwiegend nordwestlicher bis nordöstlicher Richtung nachweisen.
305 sediment samples were taken from the Gulf of Manfredonia during the years 1966–1969. About 540 km echo-sounding profiles were run in the gulf. More than 20 km2 of the seafloor were examined byScuba-divers. For 80 days bottom currents were measured by self-recording current meters.The Gulf of Manfredonia is supplied with sediments by the Apennine rivers Cervaro, Carapelle, and mainly by the river Ofanto, transporting clastic material from the volcanic complex of the Mount Vulture into the gulf.These sediments have a characteristical heavy mineral association (augitbasaltic hornblende - melanit), called the Ofanto-heavy mineral association. They are mainly redistributed to the North and Northwest by a clockwise (anticyclonic) eddy from the mouth of the river Ofanto.The Ofanto-heavy mineral association prevails in the sediments of the Southern Adriatic. Yet in the northern part of the gulf, the sediments with this mineral association are mixed with other sediments which are transported along the Italian coast of the Adriatic to the South-East by the SE flowing gradient current (Zore-Armanda, 1964). The provenance of these northerly sediments is assumed to be from the Apennine and the Po-River (padanic-apenninic heavy mineral association: garnet-epidote-hornblende-glaukophane).In the southern parts of the gulf a shoal, called scogliera, was observed. The scogliera morphologically and litologically is very different from the surrounding muds and silty muds; it probably represents a paleo-coastline from a time of lowered sea-level.

Riassunto Sono riportati i primi risultati delle ricerche sedimentologiche e mineralogiche sopra i sedimenti recenti del Golfo di Manfredonia. I indagini sono stati eseguiti durante i anni 1966–1969.Sulla base dell' esame delle caratteristiche di questi sedimenti e di uno sguardo d'insieme sulla costituzione litologica della regione del golfo vengono prospettate le probabili origini e la distribuzione di detti sedimenti. Col aiuto dieRichardson-correntometri e stata provata l'influenza delle certe correnti marine nel golfo alla distribuzione delle sedimenti portati al golfo dai fiumi Ofanto, Carapelle, e Cervaro.

Manfredonia, Ofanto, Carapella Cervaro, 1966–1969 305 . , , . 540 , , 80 . , , - -.

Die Untersuchungen wurden mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (Schwerpunktprogramm Sedimentforschung Fa 46/7-10) durchgeführt. Wir danken dem Leiter des Forschungsvorhabens, Herrn Dr. F.Fabricius, für Anregung und Kritik. Herrn Dr. U.von Rad sind wir für seinen wissenschaftlichen Beistand und seine unermüdliche Hilfsbereitschaft sowohl im Gelände als auch bei der Auswertung der Ergebnisse besonders verpflichtet. Außerdem danken wir Herrn Dipl.-Geol. K.Braune für seine Hilfe.  相似文献   
Temperature profiles in summer (February/March 1990) were measured in 24 lakes along a latitudinal transect from central Chile (32° S) to Patagonia (47° S), and on Easter Island (27° S). The lakes of the temperature zone, between 47° S and 38° S, are warm monomictic with surface and deep-water temperatures ranging from 12 °C to 21 °C and from 5.5 °C to 10 °C respectively. The heat content per unit area in midsummer was found to vary with lake area. The local stability of stratification (N 2) varied by more than two orders of magnitude, declining with increasing latitude, altitude, and depth. The lakes can be classified according to morphometric and temperature characteristics, mixing depth, stability of stratification and glacial turbidity. Lago General Carrera (463 m) was found to be almost as deep as Lago Nahuel Huapi (464 m), which is considered to be the deepest lake in South America.  相似文献   
Expanding the magnetic field intensity measured at a constant altitude in a Taylor series allows the efficient continuation of such fields onto any given arbitrary surface. This is particularly useful for draping of constant altitude surveys in areas of rugged topography. The Taylor series approach allows the continuation to points below the level of the shallowest magnetic source present. Low-pass filtering is necessary to ensure the convergence of the series. The filtering parameters can be estimated from the power spectrum of the observed field and the maximum continuation distance. A synthetic data example shows that convergence of the series is slowest in areas of high vertical gradients, usually associated with body edges, and large (downward) continuation distances. The Taylor series method is used to drape data from a constant barometric altitude survey from central British Columbia (Canada) onto a surface with a constant terrain clearance. This survey is then joined to an adjacent survey flown in the draped mode. The resolution and amplitudes of the two surveys is seen to be comparable and results in a more coherent combined data set than that where no computational draping is done.  相似文献   
Empiricaldecline curve forecasts of future production rates and cumulative production to be expected from certain classes of petroleum reservoirs has been a methodology practiced and relied on by petroleum geologists for many years. New ways to consider the subject are described in this paper. Thereby it is seen that these forecasts sometimes can be made even when some of the record of the past performance history is sparse (say, because it has been lost, or never recorded).SI Units D, D i initial reference production rate,s –1 - n dimensionless constant [cf. Eq. (1)] - N cumulative production, m3 - Q, Q i production rate att and initially, m3/s - R dimensionless time variable [cf. Eq. (9)] - t time, s  相似文献   
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